Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species: Punica granatum L.

Family: Punicaceae Genus: Punica Species: Punica granatum L.






Synonym Punica malus, Punica florida, Punica grandiflora Flower Color Red - Pink
Common Name Anar, Pomigranate Flower Type Solitary
English / Trade Name Wild Pomegrante, Pomegrante, Flowering Period April-June
Vernacular /Local Name Kaphoi Fruiting Period July-Sept
Altitude Up to 1500 m Fruit Type Berry
Habit Tree Fruit Details Fruit is a Berry between a lemon and a grapefruit in size 5–12 cm in diameter with a rounded shape and thick, reddish skin
Habitat Occurs in semi-evergreen, intermediate and wet evergreen forests also culrivated Bark Type Smooth
Distribution India, Afghanistan, Iran, Libyan, Arab, Jamhirya and Tunisa Bark Details Bark smooth and ark grey
Distribution in manipur Eastern Origin Exotic
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Opposite (leaves in pairs along stem)
    Leaf Shape Obovate
Description of Species An attractive shrub or small tree, to 20 or 30 ft (6 or 10 m) high, the pomegranate is much-branched, more or less spiny, and extremely long-lived, some specimens at Versailles known to have survived two centuries. It has a strong tendency to sucker from the base Leaf Details Leaves simple, 2-8 cm long, oblong or bovate, glabrous, oppositely placed, short-petioled surface shing

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