Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species: Magnolia hookeri (Cubitt & W.W.Sm.) D.C.S.Raju & M.P.Nayar

Family: Magnoliaceae Genus: Magnolia Species: Magnolia hookeri (Cubitt & W.W.Sm.) D.C.S.Raju & M.P.Nayar






Synonym Manglietia hookeri Cubitt & W.W.Sm. Flower Color White
Common Name Flower Type Solitary
English / Trade Name Magnolia Flowering Period April-June
Vernacular /Local Name Magnolia Fruiting Period July-Sept
Altitude 900-1000 m Fruit Type Follicle
Habit Tree Fruit Details Fruits fragrants, carpels ca 2 cm across, fruits ca 7 cm long, ovoid with 3-4 seeds
Habitat Occurs in evergreen forests Bark Type Smooth
Distribution India, China and Myanmar Bark Details Bark grayish light brown, fairly smooth, brown and fibrous and soft inside, 1.5-2 cm thick
Distribution in manipur Origin Native
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Alternate (leaves born singly along stem)
    Leaf Shape Elliptic
Description of Species Trees about 60-90 ft tall, bark grayish light brown, fairly smooth, brown and fibrous and soft inside, 1.5-2 cm thick. Young parts rufous-silky, stipular scars are faintly prominent on the branchlets Leaf Details Leaves 15-20X2-6 cm. elliptic to oblanceolate, thinly coriacious: petioles 2-6 cm long

Specimen's Details / Live Plants Details

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