Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species: Bauhinia racemosa Lam.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae Genus: Bauhinia Species: Bauhinia racemosa Lam.






Synonym Bauhinia parvifloraPiliostigma racemosa Flower Color Greenish
Common Name Flower Type Solitary
English / Trade Name Burmese Silk Orchid Flowering Period Jan-March
Vernacular /Local Name - Fruiting Period July-Sept
Altitude Up to 1000 m Fruit Type Pod
Habit Tree Fruit Details Fruit 13 to 25 cm by 1.8-2.5 cm in size, generally curved, swollen, rigid. Seeds 12 to 20, glabrous, dark reddish brown or black, compressed, 8mm long
Habitat Occurs in dry evergreen to dry deciduous forests Bark Type Rugged
Distribution India and Sri Lanka Bark Details bark grey to black, rough, thinly scaly, with numerous vertical cracks
Distribution in manipur Origin Native
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Alternate (leaves born singly along stem)
    Leaf Shape Ovate
Description of Species It iis a small crooked tree with drooping branches, growing up to 3-5 m tall Leaf Details Leaves are typical Bauhinia like, shaped like cow's hooves long, 2-5 X 3-6 cm

Specimen's Details / Live Plants Details

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