Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species: Saurauia roxburghii Wall.

Family: Actinidiaceae Genus: Saurauia Species: Saurauia roxburghii Wall.






Synonym Saurauia poilanei Flower Color Blue - Purple
Common Name Saurauia Flower Type Solitary
English / Trade Name Saurauia Flowering Period April-June
Vernacular /Local Name Singkrang Fruiting Period Jan-March
Altitude Up to 1600 m Fruit Type Berry
Habit Shrub Fruit Details Fruits small pea sized
Habitat Occurs in forest edges, primary forest in shaded places Bark Type Fissured
Distribution India, Myanmar and China Bark Details The bark is ash colored, rough and faintly fissured
Distribution in manipur Eastern Origin Native
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Alternate (leaves born singly along stem)
    Leaf Shape Elliptic
Description of Species It is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing up to 12 metres tall Leaf Details Large elliptic leaves which are conspicuously rusty-haired beneath

Specimen's Details / Live Plants Details

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