Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species: Ficus racemosa L.

Family: Moraceae Genus: Ficus Species: Ficus racemosa L.






Synonym Ficus glomerata Roxb.,  Ficus lucescens Flower Color Greenish
Common Name Gular, Cluster fig Flower Type Solitary
English / Trade Name Country Fig, Cluster Fig, Gular Fig Flowering Period Jan-March
Vernacular /Local Name Heibong Fruiting Period April-June
Altitude Up to 1500 m Fruit Type Follicle
Habit Tree Fruit Details Syconium 2.5 X 2 cm, orange, pink or dark crimson; achene granulate
Habitat Occurs in semi-evergreen and deciduous forests also in the plains Bark Type Smooth
Distribution India,China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Australasia Bark Details Bark whitish-brown, smooth
Distribution in manipur Eastern Origin Native
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Alternate (leaves born singly along stem)
    Leaf Shape Ovate
Description of Species It is deciduous trees, to 30 m high; bole buttressed; bark 8-10 mm thick, surface reddish-brown or yellowish-brown smooth, coarsely flaky, fibrous; blaze creamy pink; latex milky; young shoots and twigs finely white hairy, soon glabrous; branchlets 1.5-3 mm thick, puberulous Leaf Details Leaves simple, alternate, stipules 12-18 mm long, lanceolate, Linear-lanceolate, Pubescent, Often Persistent On Young Shoots; Petiole 10-50 Mm Long, Slender, grooved Above, becoming brown scurfy; lamina 6-15 X 3.5-6 cm, ovate, obovate, elliptic-oblong, elliptic-lanceolate, elliptic-ovate or oblong-ovate

Specimen's Details / Live Plants Details