Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species: Terminalia chebula Retz.

Family: Combretaceae Genus: Terminalia Species: Terminalia chebula Retz.






Synonym Myrobalanus chebula (Retz.) Gaertn. , Terminalia acuta Walp.
Flower Color White
Common Name Chebulic Myrobalan, Myrobalan Flower Type Solitary
English / Trade Name Chebulic Myrobalan, Harra/Haritaki Flowering Period April-June
Vernacular /Local Name Haritok Fruiting Period July-Sept
Altitude Up to 1,500 m. Fruit Type Drupe
Habit Tree Fruit Details More Or Less 5 Angled, Ellipsoid, Ovoid Glabrous.
Habitat Occurs in rarely in dry deciduous forests Bark Type Fissured
Distribution Tropical and sub-tropical Asia Bark Details Dark brownish-grey young parts tomentose
Distribution in manipur Origin Native
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Opposite (leaves in pairs along stem)
    Leaf Shape Elliptic
Description of Species A medium to large deciduous tree growing to 30-metre (98 ft) tall, with a trunk up to 1-metre (3 ft 3 in) in diameter Leaf Details Leaves subopposite or alternate, elliptic-oblong, rounded at the both ends, glabrous, long petiolate.

Specimen's Details / Live Plants Details