Manipur Forest Flora
A Comprehensive Database of Ligneous Plants of Manipur (India)
Designed & Developed by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun

Complete Taxonomic details of Species:  Helianthus annuus L.

Family: Asteraceae Genus: Helianthus Species:  Helianthus annuus L.






Synonym Chrysanthemum peruvianum Flower Color Yellow - Orange
Common Name Common Sunflower, Marigold of Peru Flower Type Corymb
English / Trade Name Sunflower Flowering Period July-Sept
Vernacular /Local Name Numit-lei Fruiting Period Oct-Dec
Altitude Up to 1200 m Fruit Type Follicle
Habit Shrub Fruit Details Long, flat-oval, slightly angular, smoothly haired–virtually glabrous cypsela, usually tipped with 2 withering bristles
Habitat Occurs in railway yards, waste ground sometimes seashores and also an ornamental Bark Type Rugged
Distribution Native to the south-west of the USA, around the New Mexico area and exotic to india Bark Details With a rough, hairy stem
Distribution in manipur Eastern Origin Exotic
    Leaf Type Simple
    Leaf Arrangement Alternate (leaves born singly along stem)
    Leaf Shape Ovate
Description of Species It is height up to 3 m (10 feet). Stem unbranched, rough–soft-haired Leaf Details Leaves are broad, coarsely toothed, rough and mostly alternate

Specimen's Details / Live Plants Details

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